The Greek name Φαίακες is derived from phaiós (φαιός "gray"). Why does Odysseus lie to the cyclopes and say his ship was destroyed. Odysseus is a combination of the self-made, self-assured man and the embodiment of the standards and mores of his culture. Why does Odysseus reveal his name to Polyphemus after he has escaped? When Polyphemus asks Odysseus his name, Odysseus proclaims that his name is Nobody. The first obvious lie we hear from Odysseus is soon after he arrives at Alcinous' court when Alcinous' wife asks him about where he's from and who he is. He serves Odysseus two pigs, barley, and wine. What does Odysseus offer to the Kyklops? At this point, the video mercifully fades and changes . What is Odysseus' plan for escape? Before he fell asleep, the Cyclops asked Odysseus his name.The sly Odysseus told the Cyclops, "My name is What does Odysseus say that is name is? Why is this action particularly ironic given the Greek customs of "the laws of hospitality?" . Only the Cyclops is strong enough to move the rock slab, so Odysseus can't kill him or he will be trapped forever. 9. Why do you think Odysseus offers the Cyclops wine? Odysseus says nothing about himself, and lies about how he got up to the palace, ostensibly to protect Alcinous' daughter who fed and clothed him. Of course, the Cyclops replies that "nobody" is bothering or killing it. What lie does Odysseus tell Polyphemus? The ship lands in a harbor in Ithaca and the crew places . He is favored by the gods and respected and admired by the mortals. Odysseus is a leader, a master. When Odysseus walks onto the ship the next morning, he falls into a deep, sweet sleep - a sleep that resembles death, and that erases briefly the memory of his twenty years away from home. Although the beggar-Odysseus claims to have some knowledge of Odysseus, and says that Odysseus is alive, Eumaeus will not believe him, and he claims that he does not treat the beggar kindly because of the news he brings (others have falsified such news before) but because of his "fear of Zeus, the god of guests" and. When Odysseus and his men are trapped in. It is mostly sounds like nobody, i think Odysseus named him that to prevent success. When we first meet Odysseus in Book 5, we find him at his furthest remove from Ithaca and his . Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is Nobody as he knows that when he attacks, the Cyclops will cry out and be asked by other Cyclopes if it needs help. Why can't Polyphemus get the other Cyclopes to help him? Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is nobody . Q: Why does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is Nobody? He wants to remain in the house because he is curious about who the owner is because of the size of the cave and the things inside. When he finds himself trapped in the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus (who just happens to be the son of the God of the Sea, Poseidon), he tells him that his name is "Nobody.". In lines 185-190, why does Odysseus lie to the Cyclops about his ship? When the Cyclops returned to the cave, Odysseus gave him wine and got him drunk. Odysseus is being cunning. . The Trojans took this giant wooden horse as a peace offering. Why does Odysseus want to remain in the cave until the owner (the cyclopes) comes home? Answer: Odysseus does not want to reveal their only means of escape. Why does this turn out to be clever and humorous? He hides under Polyphemus' sheep and will escape when he lets them out in the morning. Polyphemus. Subsequently, one may also ask, who is Odysseus telling his story to in Book 9? Answer (1 of 4): Trickster is Odysseus' middle name. What is Odysseus' plan for escape? Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. The evidence for Odysseus' grave given by a local aficionado fails to inspire much confidence: "There are three signs…the triangle here…the triangle here…". Expert Answers info Odysseus and his men cut down a tree and sharpened it into an enormous spike, which they hid in the cave. Odysseus is a combination of the self-made, self-assured man and the embodiment of the standards and mores of his culture. In the first line of the Odyssey Homer calls him "πολύτροπο" i.e. When he blinds Polyphemus, Polyphemus screams for help and exclaims that Nobody. What "gift" does Polyphemus offer Odysseus for telling him his name? He is confident that he represents virtue even when a modern audience might not be so sure. He complains that the suitors eat all the best hogs without fearing the revenge of the gods, who . Odysseus gives the Cyclops a fake name. What did Odysseus lie about? 6. One of the suitors of Helen, Odysseus was obliged to join the Trojan expedition - something he didn't want to, since he was more than happy alongside his wife, Penelope, and his newborn son, Telemachus, and he knew from a prophecy that if he goes to Troy, it will take him a long time to come back home. 6. Athene. Why does Odysseus lie and say that his ship was smashed when the Cyclops asks its location? 8. Once he reaches Ithaca, Athena casts a heavy mist over the land to conceal Odysseus from . The suitors can jerk him around at will. Why the other Kyklopes did not help Polyphemos? How does Odysseus' lie about his name pay off? Odysseus thanks the swineherd for his hospitality, and Eumaeus answers that Zeus decrees that everyone be kind to beggars and strangers. developed awareness of the poet's sense of his power to control and to tinker with the material 'given' him by the tradition." So Odysseus himself is able to "narrate a fictitious world." On the Odyssey as a poem reflecting a world in transition, see Atchity 1; Segal 131, 148. The Phaeacians in the Odyssey did not know Odysseus (although they knew of him, as evidenced by the tales of Demodocus), so they called him a "stranger". Odysseus chooses to not kill Polyphemus because he and his men would be trapped in Polyphemus' cave. Eumaeus invites Odysseus in to eat and drink and tell his story. How did Odysseus get to the Cyclops? Why can't Odysseus and . Odysseus slips his name in order to show the Cyclops that he was the one who defeated him. These points invoke different feelings and opinions in the people to whom he lies. The next day, King Alcinous stows Odysseus's many gifts on the ship and everyone feasts. Odysseus, the "man of many turns," is seen as the centre of this . What is the name of the Cyclops? Explain in detail how Odysseus wounds Polyphemus. He hides under Polyphemus' sheep and will escape when he lets them out in the morning. 4. Then, on the morning. Find an answer to your question Explain why Odysseus lies about his identity and tests Eumaeus throughout their conversation. 5. We Cyclops never blink at Zeus and Zeus' shield of storm and thunder, or any other blessed God, we've got more force by far." (Book 9 Lines 306-311) Here, Odysseus tries to use the Gods as protection and it works in the opposite way. What is the name of the Cyclops? Odysseus does not have morals since Odysseus leaves his men to die on Calypso's island without feeling any guilt or remorse, Odysseus lies constantly to achieve what is best for Odysseus, Odysseus has no . Polyphemus. Odysseus's freedom is all important to him. He is confident that he represents virtue even when a modern audience might not be so sure. What lie does Odysseus tell Polyphemus? Odysseus is not a hero in the traditional sense because he does not have morals or values that contrast with Homer's "The Odyssey.". Analysis. How does Odysseus lie to the Kyklops? Odysseus shows his intelligence several times throughout Homer's epic poems, such as when he helped the Greeks sneak into Trojans camp via the Trojan Horse. This will later come back to haunt Odysseus when Polyphemus tells his father, Poseidon. of many ways. Why doesn't Odysseus stab Polyphemus the first night while the Cyclops sleeps? How does Odysseus' lie about his name pay off? He told this to the cyclops named Polyphemus as part of his plan to kill the cyclops who was holding him in the cave, his men. . When Odysseus and his men were found in the cave, the Cyclops uses a giant boulder to seal them in. Odysseus does not have morals since Odysseus leaves his men to die on Calypso's island without feeling any guilt or remorse, Odysseus lies constantly to achieve what is best for Odysseus, Odysseus has no . 4. What does the Cyclops do to two of Odysseus' men? Odysseus is not a hero in the traditional sense because he does not have morals or values that contrast with Homer's "The Odyssey.". It is part of the escape plan. Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. . 7. Odysseus lies because he is afraid the Cyclops will destroy his ship, kill his men and eliminate their only means of escape from the island. Why does Odysseus decide not to kill the Kyklops? What happens next? Odysseus told the cyclops his name was Nobody. He started to call his fellow cyclops for help by screaming , " Nobody , my friends , is trying to kill me by violence or treachery " instantly they though nothing was happening and instead on going to the rescue they advised him to pray . Click to see full answer. [Athene] caught up a powerful spear, edged with sharp bronze, heavy, huge, thick, wherewith she beats down the battalions of fighting men, against whom she of the mighty father is angered, and descended in a flash of speed from the peaks of Olympos, and lighted in the land of Ithaka, at the doors of Odysseus at the threshold of the . But as great and as admirable as the swineherd is, without Odysseus, he is basically nothing. Why doesn't Odysseus stab Polyphemus the first night while the Cyclops sleeps? 9. 7. Polyphemus. 5. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus uses lies as a protective disguise against strangers. F) One thing I noticed was the relationship between Odysseus and his men. Click to see full answer. The fact he begs her to help him shows that he may not be as self-reliant as previously inferred 'treat me kindly - no cruelty, please'. He knows that the Cyclops doesn't care about mistreating his guests or their property, so he lies to protect his ship. In this exchange Odysseus shows that he is clever. Summary. Why does Odysseus lie and say that his ship was smashed when the Cyclops asks its location? Odysseus' vulnerable side is also shown on his return to Ithaca; Athena, disguised as a shepherd is the first person he came across and he was 'overjoyed at the sight', showing that he had been lonely. Consequently, what name did Odysseus give the Cyclops? The video on the article's page contains Kristof speculating about the location of the palace and grave of Odysseus. What "gift" does Polyphemus offer Odysseus for telling him his name? Why can't Polyphemus get the other Cyclopes to help him? With apparent ease, they sack the city, kill the men, enslave the . Odysseus, on the other hand, although he is all by himself at this point, is planning revenge to restore his rightful place -- as ruler. Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name is "Nobody" to prevent Polyphemus from being able to successfully call for help when Odysseus enacts his escape plan. To add to Chad Turner's answer (being a nerd a B+ doesn't quite satisfy me) Odysseus got Polymphemus drunk and thus was able to blind him. Explain in detail how Odysseus wounds Polyphemus. Not only does Odysseus utilize lies to keep his identity a secret but also, through the use of specific language, he conveys unspoken points. He's also "the man of twists and turns" because his mind twists and turns, helping him to think his way out of dangerous situations. Explanation: In the story Odysseus lies several times to the Cyclops, he lies about his name, he lies about what had happened, but in this case the question is why does he lie about what happened to his ship, so he lies about that because he didn´t want the cyclops that they had a way out of the island, so he couldn´t . Why does Odysseus lie to Alcinous? Odysseus lies to the Cyclops because he wants to trick the cyclops into getting drunk. The opening line of The Odyssey introduces Odysseus by his epithet, "the man of twists and turns." Odysseus is "the man of twists and turns" because his journey, and his story, are anything but straightforward. What is Odysseus . He is favored by the gods and respected and admired by the mortals. In order to get out of th. 4. 8. Odysseus shows gratification towards the Phaeacians at this point and demonstrates his appreciation by asking the Gods to 'rain down all kinds of fortune' on them. The men plunder the land and, carried away by greed, stay until the reinforced ranks of the Cicones turn on them and attack. What does the Kyklops do to Odysseus' companions? If Odysseus and his men had chosen to kill Polyphemus instead of only blinding him, they would have been unable to move the boulder and escape. A little later, when Odysseus blinds the one-eyed Polyphemus, the cyclops calls out to his brothers, "Nobody . Reluctantly, Odysseus tells the Phaeacians the sorry tale of his wanderings. After identifying himself to the Phaeacians at the feast, Odysseus tells the story of his wanderings. When the Trojans were in a drunken stupor, the Greeks came out of the horse and killed the Trojans, thus winning the battle . What gift does the Kyklops offer to Odysseus? Odysseus Use Of Lies In Homer's Odyssey. When Odysseus is sailing away, he reveals his true name while taunting the cyclops Polyphemus. To prove to Polyphemus that he was the one who defeated him. Most literally, we can understand "twists and turns" as a description of Odysseus's physical movement across the sea. To get out of this situation, Odysseus craftily lies to the Cyclops about his identity, saying his name is "Nobody," and only revealing his true identity once he's escaped the Cyclops's . Why can't Odysseus and . How does Odysseus' lie about his name pay off? "Tell me, where was it, now, you left your ship-- From Troy, the winds sweep him and his men to Ismarus, city of the Cicones. (Odysseus') name is? The Odyssey Books 1-12. This turns out to be clever and humorous because when they blind him to escape . Book 13 shows Odysseus' return to Ithaca with the help of Alcinous and the Phaeacians. Similarly, how does Odysseus trick the Cyclops with his name? Most literally, we can understand "twists and turns" as a description of Odysseus's physical movement across the sea. Following the victory at Troy, he and his men sail to Ismarus, the stronghold of the Cicones. Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men . The Cyclopes thought that Zeus cause Polyphemus' pain, so they won't do anything to help him. The Cyclopes thought that Zeus cause Polyphemus' pain, so they won't do anything to help him. His miserable experiences at sea are both a punishment devised by Poseidon and a trial that he willingly endures to return home. . The Cyclopes thought that Zeus cause Polyphemus' pain, so they won't do anything to help him. What word does the name sound like? This proves to be a poor choice that ends up coming back to haunt him later. Why does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is Nohbdy? Lines 191-197: How does the epic simile in lines 194-197 intensify the impression of the strength of the Cyclops and the helplessness of Odysseus and his men? Homer describes him as "resourceful". So when the Cyclops calls for help, the others will think that the gods caused the pain upon Polyphemus. I think Odysseus offers Cyclopes wine because he knows wine will make him drunk and he would pass out . When the Cyclops asks its location laws of hospitality? & quot ; Nobody & quot does. Polyphemus & # x27 ; cave video mercifully fades and changes ship lands in a in. 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