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Inflation. In Brazil, the top two candidates in the upcoming presidential election in October have carefully avoided depicting Russia as the sole aggressor. By Ignacio Ramonet - Mar 4, 2022 No country in Latin America unconditionally aligned itself with Russia's positions regarding its special military operation in Ukraine. For example, in Colombias presidential runoff on Sunday, leftist former guerillaGustavo Petrodefeatedfellow anti-establishment candidateRodolfo Hernndez, a formerly little-known businessman who surprised observers with a second-place finish in the first-round vote. Although most Latin American governments voted in favor of UN General Assembly resolutionscondemning Russias invasion of Ukraine, both Mexico and Brazilabstained from another resolutionsuspending Moscow from the UN Human Rights Council. Brazils representative, for example, noted, We would have preferred a fully humanitarian text elaborated with broad consultations and not a document presented as a fait accompli that clearly contains divisive language. Furthermore, he said, humanitarian crises should not be politicized. For Russias UN representative, the approved text paints a false and one-dimensional image of what is happening, ignoring the causes of the crisis in Ukraine and the role of the West in using the country as a pawn in a geopolitical game against Russia. He also called on all countries with the right mindset to support the project proposed by South Africa, its fellow BRICS country. War in Ukraine. Price rises in energy, food and fertiliser . This happens amid an intense media campaign through which the U.S. and its allies intend to make invisible the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization . The Russian president will not accept being . For instance, the process of suspending Russia from the UNHCR saw Honduras, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Ecuador voting in favour, Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia voting against, and Brazil, Mexico and El Salvador abstaining. As the war intensified, the General Assembly convened another special session on March 24, out of which Resolution A/ES-11/L.2 titled Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine, required an immediate cessation of hostilities by Russia. For example, Mexican President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador refuses to impose economic sanctions on that country, on the grounds that he wants to maintain good relations with all the countries of the world. We can expect an increase in LAC inflation. Latin America was caught unawares by the war in Ukraine.Official reactions varied from unequivocal condemnation by Colombia, Chile and Guatemala, to expressions of solidarity with Putin from . Yet, despite such widespread condemnation, the world is divided on how best to achieve peace as soon as possible. Latin American states have chosen to not isolate Russia through the use of measures like that of implementing sanctions, for many rely on Russia for core . In a way, we are beginning to see how Russia will act on the world stage in the future. Politics & Society Short Take. While the West has pursued significant actions including the imposition of unilateral sanctions, the removal of Russian banks from the SWIFT system, and supplying weapons to assist Ukraines military in the conflict the vast majority of countries outside of the West, such as those within Latin America, have not followed suit, and many have instead criticised such measures, especially the use of indiscriminate sanctions. In July 2014, Putin visited Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, and Nicaragua, concluding a number of security and economic agreements. Tags: russia, latin america, authoritarian, Ukraine, invasion. IE 11 is not supported. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused world prices to skyrocket, especially food and energy. What's the economic outlook for Latin America. Latin American states have chosen to not isolate Russia through the use of measures like that of implementing sanctions, for many rely on Russia for core economic sectors, most significantly in agriculture. Already, with $40 billion scheduled to be sent by the US to Ukraine, the US has made it apparent how willing they are to provide war support over providing any sort of alleviation to developing states. President Jair Bolsonaro, who recently met with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, scolded his Vice President Hamilton Mourao on Thursday for condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and said it was not Mouraos job to speak about the crisis in eastern Europe. If it continues, countries will rely not on international law or global institutions to ensure security, but rather, on the . Nicknamed "Putin's chef," he had served food at the Kremlin after running successful restaurants, eventually becoming extremely wealthy through a series of state contracts. Chinas permanent representative, Zhan Jun, indicated that his country will continue to play a role in facilitating talks between the parties. Such a situation poses the question of why this variation of responses to the crisis exist. Rising food and oil prices will likely drive inflation even higher. Welcome back to Foreign Policy 's Latin America Brief. However, the call was aimed at all parties to the conflict rather than singling out Russia, and refrained from repeatedly accusing Russia throughout the text. Russias invasion has a profound impact on peoples lives in a region that suffered enormously during the coronavirus pandemic, with adramatic increasein poverty levels and areversalof progress made in areas such as public education. A weekly update of the most important issues driving the global agenda. Governments on both the right and left in Latin America have failed to condemn the invasion of Ukraine, reflecting Russia's growing influence. There is an English language the service from the German version of PBS. As the war in Ukraine passes the one-hundred-day mark, few regions have escaped the conflict's economic fallout, and Latin America is no exception. Russia invaded Ukraine by land, sea and air in the early morning, in the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two. Oligarchs are powerful in many formally democratic countries, not only in Ukraine. April 15, 2022. Latin America and the Caribbean . Just like after Russias 2014 invasion of Crimea, Brazil has criticized Western attempts to suspend Russia from the G20, and it has been vocal about the negative impact of sanctions against Moscow for developing countries. Nor did it jointly back (as the African Union did) a proposal put forth by India and South Africa in the framework of the World Trade Organization to suspend the patents of Covid-19 vaccines until the entire world population was vaccinated. Russia's relationship with Latin America varies by country, and recent diplomatic meetings between leaders alongside large-scale shipments of Sputnik V vaccines have helped shore up Moscow's position in some parts of the region. This narrative is able to penetrate easily in Argentina. T he weeks since the Russian invasion of Ukraine have witnessed an astonishing unity of purpose among the world's democracies, as leaders from Wellington to Washington to Warsaw have set aside their differences to stand against Russian aggression. However, while no Latin American country voted against condemning Russia at the United Nations General Assembly, countries such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba abstained, and Venezuela was absent.In this sense, the positioning of some political actors of the Latin American left . In 2022 inflation rose to levels unknown for almost two decades. In turn, the link with Russia gives CELAC an aura of multipolarity and relativizes its relationship with the United States in other international forums. China replied that it would give a firm and forceful response if the United States imposed sanctions on Chinese companies or individuals, or harms its legitimate rights and interests in handling its relations with Russia. Considering this alongside the severe fuel shortages which have led to the increased cost to transport food has meant that food prices have also increased putting profound pressure on households which saw 40% of their income utilised for food and energy expenses by the end of 2021. After years of fluctuating around targets, inflation in Latin America's largest economies is the highest it's been in 15 years, having suffered two major shocks: the impact of the pandemic, and of the Russia-Ukraine war. It also took the position that developing countries, not being a part of this conflict, should not be dragged into it or forced to take sides. Vice-President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucia Ramirez branded the invasion absurd colonialist nostalgia on Twitter. Again it turned to Latin America. UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC), "The economic and financial effects on Latin America and the Caribbean of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine," April 2022. This reality may complicate ties between Latin America and the United States and Europe, particularly if the United States were to adopt secondary sanctions that affect companies that continue to do business with Russia. Fueled by the unabashedly pro-Russia Venezuelan state media and embraced by even more moderate sectors of Latin American societies, the narrative that the West's sanctionsrather than the invasion itselfare disrupting the global economy is more entrenched in Latin America than many Western observers believe. Economic, political and ideological factors all contribute to a tendency in Latin America to avoid isolating Russia, for the consequences of doing so would be greatly problematic for each state. In June, Latin America reached 8.4%, the highest rate since 2005according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal). In its joint statement, NATO indicated that its member nations will provide more political and practical support, as well as assistance in areas such as cybersecurity and protection against threats of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear nature. Some Latin American countries were less pointed in their criticism. Similar criticisms by some Latin American countries of the approved Mexico/France resolution are worth noting, even though they voted for it. The conflict in Ukraine is giving some of Russia's Latin American partners pause about their relationships with Moscow. based this time on the back of a string of "socialist victories" in Latin America. Caracas, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) Spanish journalist and professor Ignacio Ramonet warned today about the repercussions -mainly economic- in Latin America and the Caribbean of the armed conflict . The term does not have a precise definition, but it is "commonly used to . Brazil, for one, is the largest producer and exporter of products like soybeans and must import 85% of its fertilizer, with 23% coming from Russia. This is a much better strategy than the current one which prolongs the conflict and risks generating an even more severe global crisis in the future that, as is often the case, will see the people of the developing world suffer disproportionately greater consequences. The experience of Latin America can thus offer a . That support was no impediment to a visit to Caracas three days later by a high-level U.S. delegation, which was well received by President Maduro himself. This led some toarguethat promoting democracy matters in Washington only as long as it does not interfere with security and economic goals. Now, as leftists with anti-liberal leanings appear poised to dominate this year's slate of elections, a new "Pink Tide" will only make it more difficult for the U.S. and the West to counter . Russia has built its influence in Latin America as leverage against the United States, but Washington could use doubts about Russia in light of the invasion to decrease the Kremlin's ability to play in the Western Hemisphere. R ussia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022 dominated last year like no other newsand for good reason. Hungary to Open Humanitarian Corridor for People Fleeing Ukraine. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and China's military build-up, herald a new era of big-power rivalry | United States . Mexico and Brazil are the two countries represented on the UN Security Council, which is closely monitoring developments in . The text, aligned with the United States and Ukraine, was sponsored by France and Mexico, and uses accusatory and undiplomatic language that could be considered inappropriate if what is really being sought is to promote a cessation of hostilities. Colombia, Argentina and Chile on Thursday called for swift withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, as other Latin American countries rejected the use of force but stopped short of calling for a . Through its pragmatic, non-ideological stance, Russia is seeking to expand its presence in Latin America , strengthening its position in various areas . Alongside an increase in gas prices, several states in the West are facing a cost of living crisis, with the Bank of England, for example, expecting the British economy to fall into recession this year. Argentinas President Alberto Fernandez has also recently visited Moscow, prompting some analysts to suggest Russia has courted Latin America amid the Ukraine tensions. Latin America and Russia have long been building economic ties which have seen significant investments by Russia in a variety of sectors one of the most critical being in agribusiness. It should be noted that Russia, as well as China, maintains strong ties with CELAC, as it shares the geopolitical objective of building a multipolar and multilateral world. Since the Ukraine crisis severely affects energy and food security in the region, Latin America and the Caribbean should play a leading role in favor of peace instead of mechanically following decisions taken by Western powers. . Yet its political leadership lacks proactive initiatives for confronting the coming wave and seems incapable of evaluating and coordinating joint approaches in the wake of recent events. The government of Argentine has also supported the United Nations resolutions but critics contend that its position has not been strong enough. So far, the EU, US, and its allies have imposed sanctions even at the detriment of their own interests. The government has also spoken out against economic sanctions and censorship of the Russian media. Russias strongest allies in the region Cuba and Venezuela had yet to directly address the invasion early on Thursday morning. Ukraine on Thursday demanded an expression of solidarity from Brazil and condemnation of Russias aggression against its territory. Days before, the Ukrainian government requested the intermediation of the Chinese government, which was supported by the head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell. The General Assembly of the United Nations. Aidan Cross studies International Relations and Chinese at the London School of Economics. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador called for dialogue, while Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard later took a tougher stance, condemning the invasion and demanding Russia end its military operations in Ukraine. However, when it comes to the matter of sanctions, Latin America is to some extent unofficially united no Latin American state has imposed sanctions against Russia, and has instead often criticized the West for doing so. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails., On the Forced Conversion of Minorities in Pakistan, The Rhodes Scholarship and Disgorgement Principles for Historical Injustices, Why Chinese Diplomacy Isnt All Wolf Warriors: On Chinas Economic Statecraft, Explaining the Endurance of the Holy Trinity in United Nations Peacekeeping, The Downplayed Role of the Asian Theatre in WWII, Why There Might Be No Long Game for China. The commencement of Russias special military operation in Ukraine on the 24th of February was quick to receive condemnation throughout the world. The delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Nicaragua did not support the statement but expressed their firm rejection of the use of military force to resolve the conflict. The big hole in his strategy is the lack of an . Western states, especially the US, must realize that it cannot solely prioritize the provision of funding to Ukraine and the imposition of sanctions against Russia if they wish to achieve peace, at least not without significantly damaging its standing and precipitating a global crisis. This is the area where Latin America can manifest itself from a position of equidistance from the actual combatants. Sadly, in the Western countries, many left-wing and other progressive voices have been terribly confused about events. With this dependency, there is a real fear that the impact of sanctions on fertilizer prices would be detrimental to these sectors. Colombia, Argentina and Chile on Thursday called for swift withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, as other Latin American countries rejected the use of force but stopped short of calling for a Russian exit. This article was originally published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. China, again abstaining, agreed that South Africas proposal was more conducive to addressing a ceasefire. Latin America, sometimes referred to as LatAm is a large cultural region in the Americas where Romance languages languages derived from Latin are predominantly spoken. Latin America's role amid global tensions. Mateus Bilhar. Similarly, Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil, who visited his Russian counterpart days before the conflict broke out (ignoring opposition from Washington), has said that his country would remain neutral in the conflict. If the West continues to approach the situation as it has done for the last three months and continues to fail to consider the overarching impact of their actions on states outside of Europe, then it risks undermining its own position no matter how noble they perceive it to be. For many Latin American states, economic relations with Russia are essential due to a high dependency on Russian fertilizer required for their agribusiness sectors. President Biden recognizes this and pointed out, on March 21, that Theres going to be a new world order out there, and weve got to lead it.. The war in Ukraine is likely to contribute to lower approval ratings of governments in a region whose economy has for yearsperformed worsethan almost any other part of the world, which could push voters toward anti-establishment candidates. But Latin Americans? The resolution urged an immediate peaceful resolution of the conflict through political dialogue, negotiations, mediation and other peaceful means. In the case of the Ukrainian crisis, Barack Obama's proposition to punish Russia by isolation is simply not realistic. Meh. AS RUSSIAN president Vladimir Putin's 'special military operation' in Ukraine moves through its second month, its unconcealable economic impact continues to grow at the global level. Russias invasion of Ukraine has caused the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan todrift awayfrom Just one year ago, Russias positions in Central Asia were so solid that even Chinas growing presence in the region was not a threat. The mostly Spanish- and . The West must carefully address the concerns raised by the profound impact of its measures, for ignoring this matter risks both fermenting further animosity against the Wests position on the crisis as well as risking the creation of a much more severe global crisis. Colombia, Argentina and Chile condemned the invasion and Brazil will support a U.N. resolution condemning Russia, while Cuba didn't mention the invasion and blamed the U.S. People protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine outside the Russian embassy in Santiago, Chile, on Feb. 24, 2022. The region has lost relevance in recent decades as an international political actor in terms of its participation in world trade, its national capacities, and its involvement in multilateral organizations, among other activities. Latin America and Dominican Republic poverty will rise to 33% of the population this year, a 0.9 percentage point uptick versus 2021. They have all defended International Law, United Nations Charter and advocated for a diplomatic agreement to resolve the crisis by peaceful means through effective dialogue that guarantee the security and Published. The war in Ukraine could devastate the economies of some developing nations, including more than a dozen in Latin America and the Caribbean, a United Nations task force said on April 13. February 24, 2022. We categorically reject war and we join all the voices of the international community who today clamor for the speedy withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, Colombias centre-right President Ivn Duque said in a video statement. . .chakra .wef-10kdnp0{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;}What is the World Economic Forum doing to help ensure global food security? Below, AS/COA Online tracks the notable responses from Latin America's leaders to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We cannot be the mediators. While declaring that its government unambiguously opposes the use or threat of use of force against any State the Cuban representation added that it is not possible to rigorously and honestly examine the current situation in Ukraine without carefully assessing the factors that have led to the use of force. Under the current President, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador (AMLO), Mexico has subscribed to what is known as the Estrada Doctrine which effectively commits the nation to a policy of non-intervention and a focus on respecting state sovereignty. Otherwise, Russian claims that sanctions are the main culprit for the coming hardship in the developing world will fall on fertile ground. Moreover, each state is facing these crises in a variety of circumstances. Both those Latin American countries voted in favor of the resolution, promoted by the United States and Albania, as did nine other members, while China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstained. Behind the devastation and death of the war itself, there is a struggle for power in the reconfiguration of a new multipolar order that will impact the Latin American and Caribbean region. That fact cannot go without a condemnation, the official said. Latin America, for one, provides an informative case for understanding why the crisis in Ukraine has prompted such a different response amongst developing states compared to that of the West. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you . Brazils President Jair Bolsonaro faces an upcoming election in October, and with his opponent former President Luiz Inacio Lula leading him in the polls by 14%, he cannot afford to damage relations with Russia and thus threaten the Brazilian economy which is still recovering from the pandemic. Counter Punch. Parallel to the UN General Assembly special sessions, three important political events took place in Brussels: the special NATO summit and meetings of the Group of Seven and the European Council, to which U.S. President Joe Biden was invited. Latin America is generally understood to consist of the entire continent of South America in addition to Mexico, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean whose inhabitants speak a Romance language. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (on screen) of Ukraine, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in Ukraine. In the same way, few Latin American leaders were particularly vocal about criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia's invasion has a profound impact on . Latin America, for one, provides an informative case for understanding why the crisis in Ukraine has prompted such a different response amongst developing states compared to that of the West. This reduction could occur even though countries like Brazil, a large fertilizer importer, havecontinuedto buy the product from Russia. As in other emerging markets and advanced economies, inflation accelerated in Brazil, Chile, Colombia . Latin America did have an extremely good period of growth and development in the post war years which only ran out of steam in the aftermath of the 1970's and then the imposition of the Washington consensus. She was an official of the Andean Community between 1985 and 1994, advisor to the Commission of Permanent Representatives of MERCOSUR between 2006 and 2008 and Economic Attach of the Embassy of Peru in Argentina between 2010 and 2015. Although Argentina, Mexico and Brazil the three largest nations in the region voted in favor of the resolutions approved in the United Nations opposing the invasion of Ukraine, there are nuances in their positions regarding the Russian government.
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