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Odysseus demonstrates the wisdom of an understanding father as well as caution in his treatment of Telemachus. What will the winner receive? The suitors […] Hint: it has three main parts. The old nurse, Eurycleia, is the one to realize Odysseus' true identity and not Odysseus' own wife, Penelope. Kosta - I wrote about the love because I want you all to appreciate the romantic nature of this story. predicts that only her husband will pass the test. This comparison is an example of what? 11. Should Odysseus have killed the suitors? How do Odysseus and his men sneak out of the Cyclops' cave? Penelope's Recognition of Odysseus as a Beggar Essay example. Penelope later subjects the suitors to a test that she knows only Odysseus can pass, and she is secretly hoping that the beggar will pass the test and reveal himself as Odysseus. So, she conceives a ruse to test the stranger's identity. How does Odysseus prove his identity to them? How does Odysseus trick the suitors? He has his men bind him to the ship's mast. However, Odysseus does not reveal himself to his wife, Penelope. 34. HOW does Penelope test Odysseus after the battle against the Suitors? Penelope tests Odysseus identity by cleverly suggesting that they move their bed to another room so that she can get used to Odysseus, whom has been away for so long. Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax handle sockets. W1 The student produces writing with appropriate organization, structure, and context. She js crafty and careful. Showed how smart and strong Penelope remembered him to be. Most of the challenges and adventures in his return voyage from Troy show us this even if we had no idea of his great heroic stature and accomplishments in the Trojan war. 3. Is this likely to have been chosen at random? Here we get a good look at him when he mocks Halistherses and rejects Telemachuss command that the suitors leave his house. Penelope shows her true feelings for Odysseus by: a. devising a clever archery test for the suitors b. recognizing Odysseus in spite of his disguise c. arguing for the beggar's right to shoot d. weeping over Odysseus's bow two eight twelve thirty 2 of 25 Which plant makes the sailors forget their desire to return home? Penelope has not seen her husband for many years. What are the two parts of the test? Access Full Document. The Suitors are the swarms of men who come to beg for Penelope 's hand in marriage after Odysseus 's departure. What trick does the Penelope use to test Odysseus? a. Odysseus and Telemachus plan to handle Penelope's unwanted suitors by Athena disguising Odysseus as an old beggar, hide the arms and armor that usually decorate the Great Hall, and put aside weapons for themselves. When Telemachus is an adult, Odysseus returns disguised as a beggar. Odyssey part 2. 28. Book: The Odyssey › Quizzes. Odysseus 's wife and Telemachus 's mother. What specific plan does Odysseus lay out for them to help him? He arrives on his rocky island kingdom of Ithaca disguised as a beggar and finds that his palace is full of suitors wooing his wife, the faithful Queen Penelope. (I.e., how does he pass the third test?) She is not sure if he is not a god in disguise: Is the mood after the test altogether happy? Access Full Document. What will the winner receive? to get full document. Athena uses her power to give Odysseus the disguise. What is Penelope's test, and how does Odysseus pass it?. Penelope holds off the suitors by creating devious and intelligent test for them to pass. 5. Summary Penelope announces the contest and retrieves Odysseus' great backsprung bow from a secret storeroom deep in the palace. If not, why not? The man has changed over twenty years. To test the stranger, Penelope tells Eurycleia to bring him the bridal bed, but Odysseus cries out angrily that the bed cannot be moved because he built it around an olive tree. Describe the trick Penelope used to delay choosing a husband from among the suitors. Only Odysseus would have known this and so he passes Penelope's test. Is this likely to have been chosen at random? Odysseus will give Telemachus a sign to fight. Give reasons for your opinion. About This Quiz & Worksheet. How does Odysseus pass Penelope's test? The Suitors. He shows anger about it . A note from Ms. Curl: I want you to all do well on the Part 2 Test. Odysseus tests the suitors by begging for food from each one. Penelope tested Odysseus three times in the "Odyssey." With Odysseus disguised as a beggar, she asked him about Odysseus' travels, clothing and personality. The final part in our series about the Trojan War brings our ship-wrecked hero, Odysseus back home after 20 long years away. He eats a lotus flower, rendering him unable to swim to the Sirens' island. For sport, Telemachus attempts to string the bow and fails three times. Why don't the men want Odysseus to try and string the bow? Lotus Poppy Lethe-root Hemlock 3 of 25 It is a moving scene of recognition and reconciliation. Odysseus takes Penelope to bed. Terms in this set (9) How does Penelopeia test Odysseus? The suitors' parents are after him too. 9. How and why does this response finally remove Penelope's last doubts? What is Penelope's test? This is why Odysseus was justified to kill them. The Center for Hellenic Studies Odysseus gets angry. This material is available only on Freebooksummary. No outsider would be likely to know the history of the couple's wedding bed, and that final piece of evidence convinces Penelope and liberates her at last. This quiz can be used to help ensure that you're fully understanding The Odyssey as you work your way through the book. The Odyssey: Full Book Quiz | SparkNotes 1 of 25 In Penelope's archery contest, through how many axes must Odysseus fire his arrow? What is Penelope's Test? Odysseus tests Penelope by assuming a disguise when he returns to Ithaca. How does Penelope Test Odysseus? What is Penelope's test and how does Odysseus pass it? 6. Even though Odysseus has been stranded from home for many years, he still remains loyal to his wife. If not, why not? Homer may be pointing out the lives of the lower class have a lot more influence than the elite would suspect. People also ask, how does Odysseus defeat the suitors? The Odyssey Part 2. To his reprimanding words, "twist it however you like, your dream can only mean one thing," Penelope replies that dreams are always difficult to understand, and . The mysterious poetry of Penelope's two gates speech becomes all the more powerful when it is understood as a response to Odysseus' failure of the dream interpretation test. When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn't recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. 2. Penelope tests Odysseus to see if he is still worthy to be her husband and also to ensure that he is truly who he says he is. Penelope is trying to void the suitors from marrying her until her husband returns. Odysseus's hubris and arrogance. He marries Penelope Explain the test the suitors must pass in order to win the contest they have to string Odysseus bow and shoot an . 10. In Book 21 of The Odyssey, the goddess Athena made Penelope bring out Odysseus's bow and tell the suitors she will marry the first one who can shoot an arrow through twelve axes.Odysseus then revealed his identity to Eumaeus and Philoetius and recruited them to help kill the suitors. Penelope announces in her long interview with the disguised hero that whoever can string Odysseus' rigid bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe shafts may have her hand. How does Odysseus pass the test? Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. Penelope gives all the suitors the test of using Odysseus' hunting bow to shoot an arrow "through iron ax-helve sockets, twelve inline" (937). answer choices . What characteristic of their marriage bed suggests the strength and . Homer chooses a simile to describe Penelope's feelings at this moment (p. 360). and "Odysseus and Penelope" (p. 932-945) Why is Odysseus' bow carefully guarded in the storeroom? That Odysseus is willing to stab Polyphemus, but remembers that doing so would prevent his and his crew's ability to escape the cave shows. What are the two parts of the test? Describe the mood of this scene. answer choices . SURVEY . They made no effort to get the suitors out of the house. Why does penelope test odysseus . He beats Penelope's challenge for the suitors, which was that whoever can string Odysseus's bow and shoot it through 12 axe handles can have her hand i marrige. And happy caching! Just as Penelope openly displays her grief, here she clearly identifies her question as a test. Odysseus passes Penelope's tests by:Stringing his bow, and shooting an arrow through a dozen axe handles.Killing all the suitorsOdysseus gets angry when Penelope suggests moving the bed, as that . Some scholars believe the events that follow the reunion of Odysseus and . Who killed Athena? RC2 The student discusses topics related to content reading. 27. The Odyssey. They all fail and none of them "can even bend [the hunting bow] enough to string it" (937). Please answer the questions on the study guide as . It shows her its actually Odysseus. Homer chooses a simile to describe Penelope's feelings at this moment (p. 360). When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn't recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. 35. Penelope sees a moment to test the man who claims to be Odysseus by suggesting that their own bed be brought for him. How does Odysseus pass? Essay Response. Odysseus takes Penelope to bed. What foolish thing does Odysseus do once they've escaped from the cave? (I.e., how does he pass the third test?) How and why does this response finally remove Penelope's last doubts? 36. 9. Odysseus smiles to see his son defend him so, but tells him not to worry and that he will pass any test Penelope has to prove who he is. Penelope would probably have a heart attack, although she has never given up some hope that Odysseus is still alive. Of course Odysseus is able to pass (221-248). Is it altogether happy or is there some sadness? He is a real man, skilled in the sports, handy with a sword and spear, and a master of war strategy. 13. Why is this an effective comparison? Penelope's test reminds us that the two characters are soulmates. Why does she offer a test like this? And Odysseus took his time, 1360 turning the bow, tapping it, every inch, for borings that termites might have made Comprehension What means does Penelope decide she will use to choose a husband? 14. It is in Penelope's character to test the man one more time to be certain. How does Penelope show herself to be like her husband? The Suitors are generally much younger than Penelope. Pages: 6 Words: 771 Views: 9. He isn't; he plugs his ears with wax as the ship passes the Sirens' island. Why does Penelope feel the need to test Odysseus? It is a moving scene of recognition and reconciliation. Odysseus is a thinking man's hero who relies on his _____, rather than his strength., Odysseus is thoroughly _____, which makes it so that we can connect to him and he was popular among the ancients., Odysseus's name in Greek means "Man of _____." , The Odyssey symbolizes the dawn of a new era in Greece while Odysseus represents who? He is about to succeed on his fourth try when Odysseus privately signals him to back off. He shows anger about it. Athena threw herself in front of Zeus before he could be stabbed, and fell by Kratos' hand. The test is that the bed is . Throughout the epic, Odysseus and his lover showed their cunning ways. 8. 30 seconds . Penelope's Test 26. Compare Odysseus' emotions with Telemachus' when they are reunited. Still in disguise, Odysseus asks for a turn and gets it. What does Penelope ask Odysseus-in-disguise. Temptations of Odysseus. Homer compares Odysseus being in Penelope's arms to a swimmer lying on the beach. The suitors try and fail. Explain. Why does Penelope feel the need to test Odysseus, even though he has abandoned his disguise? 7. Why does she offer a test like this? Odysseus is a tender-hearted guy. Saddened by what he had done. this proves to Penelope that the stranger is Odysseus. Odysseus. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. Whom does Odysseus trust to help him defeat the suitors? Please Sign Up. 37. Throughout The Odyssey, Penelope, Odysseus' wife, is characterized as constant, virtuous, and patient. Answered Penelope's questions correctly. How does Odysseus pass the test? However, behind Penelope's back, the Suitors talk about how Penelope is old and . What gift does the Cyclops give in return? Odysseus is truly loyal to Penelope because he leaves Ogygia (where he was trapped) as soon as possible, puts all of his effort into making it home to his wife, and even flirts with Princess Nausicaa to get him home. She implied that she moved the bed, but she didn't. She implied that she moved the bed , but she did n't . No, Odysseus needs to regain all the belongings the suitors took from him. Odysseus is a man of great stature. Odysseus launches into an outraged tirade at the suggestion and describes. Kratos asked Athena why she would sacrifice herself. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. Penelope wants to ensure that the man is Odysseus. How does Penelope test Odysseus after the battle? Explain the personification phrase "the quiver spiked with coughing death." Explain the test that Penelope offers to the suitors. That is why Penelope predicts that only her husband will pass the test. View The Odyssey Part 2 (b) Qs Pages 1038-1046 from AA 1The Odyssey Part 2 (b) Qs: Odysseus' Revenge, Penelope's Test ODYSSEUS' REVENGE 1. To what does Homer compare Odysseus's embrace of his wife? And now the tale's end. All they did was aide the suitors. Praying to the Gods for a sign Odysseus is who he says. Give ALL the details. Click to see full answer. O wily 50sumtin. In respect to this, how does Odysseus test the suitors? How does Penelope test Odysseus? In her second test, Penelope retrieved Odysseus' bow, stating she will marry the man who strings it and makes a perfect shot. Reassertion of the humanism of the ancient world. What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops that his name is? Q. Penelope's loyalty and support establishes her as the model of a good wife for every story written for two-thousand years. There are multiple characteristics of why Odysseus and Penelope are destined to be together. He is an incredibly large and strong individual. ____The episode in which Penelope invites the old beggar to her room is important because it ____. Twenty years of his absence changed his character. Explain. Speaking of Penelope, she has an unusual dynamic with Telemachus, Odysseus, and her suitors. answer choices. How does Penelope Test Odysseus? Athena makes the Sirens appear ugly to him. Tags: Question 36 . He reveals his real identity to his son, Telemakhos, as well as a few others who he would need to help kill the suitors. [] The gradual rapprochement between Penelope and Odysseus, stretching over several books of the Odyssey, contains two major movements or sections, one in Book 19 and one in Book 23. Odysseus: a hero in every way. In Homer's epic The Odyssey, Odysseus returns to the island of Ithaka disguised as a beggar. The questions in this quiz will ask you about . Why is Odysseus angry over the bed being moved a good sign for Penelope? The Ending 1. Odysseus is overcome with tears of joy in seeing his son, but Telemachus is afraid because he thinks he is a god or the gods are trying to trick him. The heroine asks to bring in their marital bed. Odysseus is brave and intelligent. a. allows suspense to build c. foreshadows the ending b. explains Penelope's sadness d. reveals Odysseus' identity 21.____Why does the disguised Odysseus make up a story and tell Penelope that her husband will be home soon? 12. Enjoy! Do you think Odysseus' desire to fight the suitors is She knew that Odysseus built the bed around an olive tree in their chamber. They profess to be in love with her, and to think she is beautiful and charming. Since Odysseus has abandoned his beggar disguise, why does Penelope doubt his identity? According to Bernard Knox , "For the plot of the Odyssey , of course, her decision is the turning point, the move that makes possible the long-predicted triumph of the . She tells him that the the bed he had made was moved. Is it all together happy or does it include some . He appears to be an old beggar, and this disguise works perfectly.. How did Athena get her name? Why does Eurymachus "curse this day?" 38. What does Penelope do to stall the suitors. When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn't recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. and "Odysseus and Penelope" (p. 932-945) Why is Odysseus' bow carefully guarded in the storeroom? They fed them to no end and this is not what their master would want them do to. The whole doc is available only for registered users OPEN DOC. A. Reconstructing the story of humanity's past. 33. When Odysseus answers insult with insult, Antinous gives him a blow with a stool that disgusts even the other suitors. What is this type of lengthy comparison called? After twenty years of absence, Odysseus returns from his long wanderings. Once again, Penelope is overcome with emotion (249-252), described in a passage that could be replaced by a single-verse reply formula with no loss of narrative clarity. 10 of 25. Odysseus has his old nurse bath him and get him clean clothes. Penelope directs the servants to set twelve axe handles upright in a line in the sand such that the holes in the handles all form a straight line. What does Odysseus give the Cyclops as a gift? The story of Penelope's Test is told in Book XXI of The Odyssey, and Odysseus' revenge upon the suitors is told in Book XXII. 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