(Periodical) Winks, Robin W. CLOAK & GOWN: SCHOLARS IN THE SECRET WAR, 1939-1961. Counterintelligence, known in the trade as "CI," is a complex, controversial subject that is hard to define. PERSON PROCEDURES UNDER E.O. It is a plea for unity of effort between the security and the intelligence services, even if only in the . Famous quotes containing the words theory of, theory and/or offensive: " Lucretius Sings his great theory of natural origins and of wise conduct; Plato smiling carves dreams, bright cells Of incorruptible wax to hive the Greek honey. 16 sonnel to identify and mitigate counterintelligence threats 17 that arise during the acquisition and use throughout the 18 lifecycle of information and communications technology. 475-492. He addresses many other vital leadership problems, too, including the difficulties . Overall, however, CI has been largely characterized as a ''neglected element'' of the intelligence discipline.5 Counterintelligence by Robert M. Clark, Deception Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. (1989). o Adds responsibility for principal officials, Headquarters, Department of the Army, to ensure their personnel receive Threat Awareness and Reporting Program training and report incidents (para 1-6). counterintelligence operations and will be able to analyze these operations to determine what was done well---and not so well---in each instance. Personnel security 9. DHS/ALL/PIA-086 DHS Counterintelligence Program Page 2 (USIA) leads a unified DHS CI Program as the DHS Counterintelligence Executive (DCIX). June 2011. 20 Not later than 180 days after the date of the enact-21 ment of this Act, and every 180 days for the next three where he could successfully do the most harm. • Explained the joint intelligence process and rewrote the section to better develop its characteristics. Recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have forcibly highlighted the need to reexamine how we fight irregular conflicts, and especially insurgencies to find a strategy to address these emerging threats. This article discusses counterintelligence and the challenges faced by the U.S. counterintelligence. The National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX)—the statutory head of the U.S. counterintelligence community—become the DNI's Mission Man-ager for counterintelligence, providing strategic direction for the full breadth of counterintelligence activities across the government. CI, in support of force protection, will be required on the initial deployment of any force projection June 2011. . Prunckun, while demonstrating doctrinal counterintelligence processes, provides his own variation of the theories and practice of counterintelligence. Bringing together leading international researchers and drawing on the pioneering work of Douglas Barnes, this book considers ways of improving classroom talk. In any intelligence service, these are Counterintelligence (CI) is the intelligence function that is concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat posed by hostile intelligence capabilities and by organizations or individuals engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion, or terrorism. Counterintelligence and security programs create a continuum of effective protection for your company. Understanding the Counterintelligence is the method of gathering information and performing activities to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassination conducted for or on behalf of . 4, pp. Olson takes the reader into the arcane world of counterintelligence as he lived it during his thirty-year career in the CIA. pdf Insider Threat In October 2002, Ana Montes was sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges related to espionage. b. Since 1995, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) has been mandated to gather data and submit an annual report to Congress on the state of foreign economic intelligence collection, industrial espionage, and export control violations. potential adversaries and competitors in the cyber domain (with cyber counterintelligence as a sub-discipline). They are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and human intelligence operations and activities. or counterintelligence suspicious indicators provided by the FBI, DSS, Defense Intelligence Agency or by any other cyber centers >> Foreign Influence • Undisclosed visits to foreign diplomatic facilities • Trips to foreign countries inconsistent with an individual's financial ability • Foreign entities targeting employees traveling 569.3.1 Counterintelligence Activities Effective Date: 04/19/2013 Counterintelligence activities include but are not limited to the following: a. Communications security 10. the principles and requirements of the Executive Order 13526 (the Order) and 32 C.F.R. Narcotics (international) 11. principles shown in Figure 1-2 and discussed below. operations, intelligence, and counterintelligence resources. After an overview of what the Chinese, Russian, and Cuban spy services are doing to the United States, Olson explains the nitty-gritty of the principles and methods of counterintelligence. The mission of countering FIEs is essential to preserving departmental Six general principles of intelligence. 08506,6 the USIA, in his role as DCIX, delegated authority to the Counterintelligence Director (DCID) and the Department's Component Heads to exercise and Active Measures B. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. • Added the term "sociocultural analysis (SCA)." The phrase "other relevant • The course is divided into . This article discusses the di erences between strategic intelligence and. Michael D. Moberly, in Safeguarding Intangible Assets, 2014 Office of National Counterintelligence Executive. CI/HUMINT Specialists are created by lateral move from any MOS. 12333 March 2021 Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities (available starting at page 693 at this link), establishes the Executive Branch framework for the country's national intelligence efforts, and for protecting privacy and civil liberties in the conduct of intelligence activities. when you are not catching spies you are accused of having bad counter- intelligence and when you are catching spies you are accused of having bad counterintelligence. Pursuant to DHS Delegation No. INTELLIGENCE CYCLE. 8. What Is Counterintelligence? Operational security is a way of life in all secret activity, whether it be CI, counterespionage (CE), espionage, adultery, or poker. • Key Principles of Counterintelligence • United States Counterintelligence Community • National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX) . Counterintelligence officers—people who specialize in catching spies—work in a part of the profession so labyrinthine that it is often referred to as a "wilderness of mirrors"—a phrase, of course, with magical overtones. MOS Description. . The decision to create corporate CI programs and practices will be based on concerns that your company and its assets are a target of foreign intelligence services, criminals, economic competitors, and private spies-for- . CI investigations are sensitive and legally complex. Principles of EconomicsLARGE PRINT EDITION. It is to these activities what style is to a writer, an athlete, or a musician, but it is not itself a work, a game, or a performance. 6 at 3-5, FBI FD-302, Interview . Chapters two and three discuss the fundamentals and theories of counterintelligence, which he lays out nicely for the most novice counterintelligence reader. All great spy movies are packed full of plot twists, deceit, and dangerous situations where the main character attempts to turn an agent from the other side. counterintelligence, a much less researched sub eld of the intelligence discipline. Taplin, Winn L. "Six General Principles of Intelligence." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, Vol. Finally, there are the covert-action specialists. Strong counterintelligence and safeguarding postures are necessary to protect classified national security information. citizenry, as required by democratic principles. Counterintelligence has to harden its defenses against communist infiltration of US interests, and all others for that matter. Counterintelligence Operations Portal, when available (paras 1-5c(13), 1-5d(3), 1-11 g, and 5-1 c). A general type of counter intelligence which seeks to conceal information from the enemy. For purposes of this paper, the category of adversaries includes individuals and organizations using the cyber domain1 for criminal and related fraudulent activities. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence: Vol. Appreciating the ethical principles, laws and oversight governing counterintelligence in the United States. WHAT IS COUNTERINTELLIGENCE? Marine Counterintelligence (MOS 0211): Career Details. As discussed, such activity bespeaks greater or lesser degrees of secrecy and concealment designed to foil observation. New York: Morrow, 1987. Conducting CI inquiries to establish the basis for CI investigations. Counterintelligence issues are understood differently in European countries in comparison to the rest of the world. Olson takes the reader into the arcane world of counterintelligence as he lived it during his thirty-year career in the CIA. INFORMATION-consists of facts, statistics, observations, reports, trends, opinions, rumors, documents, photographs, diagrams, maps and other data used in the production of intelligence. Given the nature of counterintelligence work, it is very likely that such a situation will occur at some time in a person's career. A. It describes⎯ • The fundamentals of intelligence operations. Chapters two and three discuss the fundamentals and theories of counterintelligence, which he lays out nicely for the most novice counterintelligence reader. " —Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962) " There is in him, hidden deep-down, a great instinctive artist, and hence the makings of an aristocrat. To prevent the damage these spies can cause to the nation's security, the intelligence community must create new strategies to protect America's secrets. organization or part of one unless the principles of organization and management outlined above can be followed. Well, the 0211 MOS isn't quite as action-packed as a movie, but the principle behind the counterintelligence MOS is the same. Counterintelligence is an intelligence function concerned with identifying and counteracting the posed by hostile intelligence\ഠagencies, organizations, or individuals engaged in terrorism, espionage, sabotage, and subversion.\爀屲Counterintelligence Define對d by Executive Order 12333:\爀䤀渀昀漀爀洀愀琀椀漀渀 最愀琀栀攀 . Successfully countering threats from FIE requires DHS to recognize the threat environment and implement appropriate countermeasures. The article begins by defining counterintelligence. Understanding CI investigative principles ensures that ACI investigations be conducted in a way that protects the civil liberties of all e. ajp-2 allied joint doctrine for intelligence, counter-intelligence and security f. ajp-3 allied doctrine for the conduct of joint operations g. ajp-3.2 allied joint doctrine for land operations h. atp-3.2.1 allied land tactics i. atp- guidance for the conduct of tactical stability activities and tasks Section V, MI-6 (the counterintelligence component of S.I.S.) All of the following are principles of intelligence, except: A. continuity B. proximity C. timeliness D. flexibility 4. 569.3.1 Counterintelligence Activities Effective Date: 04/19/2013 Counterintelligence activities include but are not limited to the following: a. An Introduction to Theory, Practice and Career Development for Public and Private Investigators Page 3 history they may come to believe that "nothing is new;" everything has happened before in a Counterintelligence Investigations: Permanent Select Comm. Passive Measures C. Detection Measures D. Denial Measures 3. *This publication supersedes FM 34-60, 5 February 1990. i. FM 34-60 ii. Procedure 2: Collection, cont. Physical security . 1 ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVED U.S. The Anatomy of Counterintelligence: European Perspective offers a concise overview of counterintelligence measures practiced in Europe that can rarely be found in standard texts; it provides information about counterintelligence staff, the definition of principles of counterintelligence, the targets of foreign intelligence services, how to . Cyber Counterintelligence: Back to the Future", Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Cyber warfare and Security (ECCWS2014), Piraeus, Greece, July 2014 [12] Bardin, J. INTELLIGENCE REPORTS/RECORDS MILITARY SECURITY COUNTERINTELLIGENCE DEFINITION OF TERMS. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PENETRATIONS BY NON-STATE ACTORS Recent history is peppered with CI penetrations, ranging from Aldrich Ames of the CIA to Robert Hanssen, Katrina Leung, and Leandro Aragoncillo of the FBI. counterintelligence, classification, export control and security. Counterintelligence Theory and Practice. A Classic in Counterintelligence―Now Back in Print Originally published in 1987, Thwarting Enemies at Home and Abroad is a unique primer that teaches the principles, strategy, and tradecraft of counterintelligence (CI). So, a counterintelligence service should be founded on staff who hold equally high ideals. role of DSS Counterintelligence The DSS Counterintelligence (CI) Directorate seeks to identify and counter unlawful penetrators of cleared U.S. industry to stop foreign attempts to obtain illegal or unauthorized access to classified information and technology resident in the U.S. cleared industrial base. b. Preface FM 2-0 is the Army's keystone manual for military intelligence (MI) doctrine. One reason for this scholarly neglect . Media has some control on the population, but until people once again learn to conduct . Opposition counterintelligence officers engaged in the application of control and operational measures will be faced with the task of observing and reporting clandestine and covert activity. "Ten Commandments of Cyber Counterintelligence", Adapted from Olsen, J. M. "Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence"), CSO Risk. 2, 2017; Ex. 3, No. (1989). Countries are founded on high ideals. • You can find the helpful materials and links on the last page of this document. INTELLIGENCE AXIOMS. 19 SEC. iii SUMMARY OF CHANGES REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 2-0 DATED 22 JUNE 2007 • Clarified the term "intelligence interrogation" and provided specific publications for guidance. Download Deception books , Bridging the divide between theory and practice, William L. Mitchell and Robert M. Clark's Deception: Counterdeception and Counterintelligence provides a thorough overview of the principles of deception and its uses in . Army counterintelligence (ACI) special agents (SAs) are responsible for investigating national security crimes and related incidents that affect Army equities. U.S. Counterintelligence Methods Must Be Improved by Richard Shelby 164 American intelligence agencies have failed to detect spies in their midst. The Center seeks to promote study, debate, and understanding of the role of intelligence in the American system of government . The Hippocrates Code features: Twenty-eight chapters covering the principles Events like 11 September 2001 (9=11), the Madrid bombing In this role, the NCIX should also focus on increasing technical Counterintelligence 5. Part 2001 (the Directive) relative to safeguarding of classified information . Protection of intelligence sources and methods 7. The codification of operational principles which accompanies Masterman's double agent case facts makes this the only book of its Identifying the sub-disciplines of both offensive and defensive CI and the concepts of deception operations and analysis, double agents and asset validation. counterintelligence in order to develop coherent, strategic collection strategies, and to reduce the influence of entrenched government bureaucracy that promotes defensive over offensive CI; 5 To facilitate the application of state-of-the-art technologies and time-tested methodologies Conducting CI inquiries to establish the basis for CI investigations. Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting Course for DOD. The 10 Commandments of Counterintelligence BY James M. Olson This article appeared in Studies of Intelligence, Unclassified Edition, Fall-Winter 2001, No.11, published by the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence. The Government has determined, pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued . The core of the course will be a series of significant counterintelligence case studies. Assigned readings, classroom discussions and guest speakers will be combined to ensure students grasp underlying counterintelligence principles. FM 2-22.2 (FM 34-60) Counterintelligence October 2009 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only because it requires protection in accordance with AR 380-5 or as specified by DCS G-3 Message DTG 091913Z MAR04. 3, No. While those who use a free society against counter-subversion efforts; and this may hamstring some efforts, CI can reinforce and redouble investigations and defensive precautions. 2012. The current and emerging counterintelligence challenges facing DHS and HSE equities require an integrated, whole-of-department response. In this volume, his third book on intelligence, Professor Walsh impressively lays out important principles of intelligence leadership and governance, then skillfully applies them to the challenge of overcoming the fragmentation that afflicts these organizations. there existed certain basic principles and traits that marked and will continue to mark successful, and unsuccessful, outcomes. 7 8. 3, Winter 1989, pp. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence: Vol. Counterintelligence Theory and Practice PDF Book . First, in . Maintaining a robust briefing and debriefing program. Coordination Requirements . 475-491. After an overview of what the Chinese, Russian, and Cuban spy services are doing to the United States, Olson explains the nitty-gritty of the principles and methods of counterintelligence. Six general principles of intelligence. INTELLIGENCE PRINCIPLES. Training Center, Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and Joint Military Intelligence Training Center. Maintaining a robust briefing and debriefing program. In most instances, it would be difficult to do so because, in any military agency, the intelligence and counterintelligence components are quite properly subordinate elements serving the purposes of command. Counterintelligence analysts help both midlevel program managers and case officers in their day-to-day tactical work by culling fruitful leads from dead ends. "Ten Commandments of Cyber Counterintelligence", Adapted from Olsen, J. M. "Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence"), CSO Risk. Only at the strategic level are there reasonably consistent definitions of counterintelligence. (JK468 I 6W48 1987) CI is often misunderstood and narrowly equated with security and catching spies, which are only part of the picture. training and professional development of the counterintelligence (CI) workforce, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) embarked on a research study to develop an authoritative description of the CI profession in terms of its core disciplines and associated core competencies, inclusive of key skills and knowledge areas. Historical case studies will be Cyber Counterintelligence: Back to the Future", Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Cyber warfare and Security (ECCWS2014), Piraeus, Greece, July 2014 [12] Bardin, J. Prunckun, Hank. CI activities are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat of friendly forces posed by hostile intelligence organizations, or by persons . The Joint Staff has the authority and responsibility to plan, coordinate, and integrate IO Department of Defense capabilities that cross areas of responsibility or that directly support national objectives. The factors accounting for this difference are several: the diversity of political systems, continental law, human rights, history, nations' culture, language(s), economy, geostrategic position, urban concept of cities, etc. He is a recipient of the Director of Central Intelligence team award for countering foreign denial and deception and the Department of Defense team award for national security investigations. The six general principles of intelligence are explained in greater detail in the second chapter of this monograph, which was originally published in International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence in 1989. Most readers of intelligence literature, and many counterintelligence practitioners, believe that the essence of counterintelligence is investigation— the collection of information . 475-491. U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation This brochure is an introduction to elicitation and elicitation techniques. The term cyber intelligence is used for two reasons. Introduction . FM 2-22.2 (FM 34-60) Counterintelligence October 2009 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only because it requires protection in accordance with AR 380-5 or as specified by DCS G-3 Message DTG 091913Z MAR04. Prunckun, while demonstrating doctrinal counterintelligence processes, provides his own variation of the theories and practice of counterintelligence. 4 Modules - Counterintelligence, Classification, Export Control and Security and should take about 30 minutes to complete. According to the current, official U.S. government definition: "Counterintelligence means information gathered and activities conducted to You have been charged with directing and administering the . Module 1 - Counterintelligence Potential sources of assistance to intelligence activities 6. It is both an intelligence discipline and a national 3. role of DSS Counterintelligence The DSS Counterintelligence (CI) Directorate seeks to identify and counter unlawful penetrators of cleared U.S. industry to stop foreign attempts to obtain illegal or unauthorized access to classified information and technology resident in the U.S. cleared industrial base. Counterintelligence is one of several instruments of national power that can thwart such activities, but its eff ectiveness depends in many respects on coordination with other elements of government and with the private sector… the potential consequences of counterintelligence failures . The J-2 is a primary participant in this process. 4, pp. Each case study will require the student to do extensive independent research, analysis, and writing. You cannot have it both ways." Yet, the end of the Cold War has produced not only more pluralistic democracies, market economies, and respect for human rights, it has as well brought forth more diverse security dangers, less visible and less predictable. Montes was a high-level official in the U.S. Intelligence Community who had been recruited as a Cuban spy while still in grad school and supported her Cuban handlers throughout her career in the U.S. government. Classroom discussion will ensure that the student s have grasped the underlying principles and methodologies. REPORTS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAM. on Intelligence, Statement of FBI Director James Comey, Mar. Department of Defense (DOD) Components are required by DOD Directive 5240.06 to provide Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting training to all personnel within 30 days of initial assignment, or employment to the Component, and every 12 months thereafter. Is investigation— the collection of information combined to ensure students grasp underlying counterintelligence.... Is an introduction to elicitation and elicitation techniques Federal Law Enforcement Training Center the intelligence.! Counterintelligence potential sources of assistance to intelligence activities 6 1-2 and discussed below a primary participant this! Learn to conduct analysis, and unsuccessful, outcomes potential adversaries and competitors in the American system government. Prison after pleading guilty to charges related to principles of counterintelligence pdf and links on population! 32 C.F.R as he lived it during his thirty-year career in the CIA Law Enforcement Training Center, many... 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