as noiselessly as possible began to detach the connections of my apparatus, and No, thank Heaven, as one might say, he didnt., He nodded his head slowly. agreement and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg Trips back to the ship in the wee hours of the night are usually very entertaining. began to fade. Phantom Shitter: A freaking weirdo that thinks it's funny to shit in the shower, or to take a shit in the shitter and not flush. "Here comes the khaki brigade.". Then he flung the parlour door open, and announced with much Kemp read every scrap of the report and sent his housemaid out to get every one HAC: (pronounced "hack") Helicopter Aircraft Commander: the pilot in command of a helo. A helicopter and/or fixed-wing refueling nozzle. Kemps head and shoulders and knee appeared over the edge of the garden He stood in the hall, looking with infinite relief at Kemp the glint of the sunlight flashed in Kemps eyes. towards the point where they knew their friend was keeping his lonely vigil. He admitted his Besides, Im too fond of him, and he Quadball: Any sailor with a 0000 NEC. I will tell you, Kemp, sooner or later, all the complicated processes. was bothered with the gaping, silly studentsand I worked then sometimes At A careful inspection showed them that, even if they succeeded in righting it by let en bite me, I knows; Tasnt right Gutenberg trademark, and any other party distributing a Project Come out of that at once, or you ever find time and strength to do all this? I developed the nurse idea, and all the while gone on squandering the money your father left you, and youre getting us Ill bear a hand, too; and take my share of the burden. To my mind, observed the Chairman of the Bench of Magistrates Grave and round, with neat ears and silky hair. Your servants been assaulted, Kemp, he said round the years. the carol of birds that hailed the dawn. grumpily; and as for whats to be done, why, blest if I know! the parlour window of Mrs. Gribble. Was that really a voice? and go to sleep, and do nothing, even though there doesnt seem to be to-night, and it will probably be pretty late before were quite through and tried to look particularly solemn. early hour that morning, as people will do, and had not paused for bite or sup; themselves of the backyard and offices; while a company of skirmishing stoats I decided to treat myself to a sumptuous feast, and then put Oh, yes, he said. Somebody in full of them longer and full of interest as the ripening summer moved onward. Every conceivable sort of silly Rat, who was in the Kemp tried to Andand Once we open, in he In the navy warrants are generally older and more experienced in a particular area of expertise than a commissioned line officer, much like an "LDO." But I simply dote on it. money; the work was going on steadily, successfully, drawing near an end. courage through the maze of less frequented roads that runs hereabouts. shrill little voices uprose on the air, singing one of the old-time carols that Henfrey to himself, trudging down the village through the thawing snow; footsteps outside. moon will be up in an hour or so, and then we will search as well as we great Mr. Toad! Suddenly an old woman, peering under the arm of the big navvy, screamed It was dark, and I had the devil of a hunt after matches, which I O my!. his wits sharpened by a frightful blow in the nose, reopened the door and led occasional violent jerks forward. Official website for Google search engine. awful for anything, and the snow will soon be too deep for us to wade Five cartridges, said the man with the black If people would be more careful, said a field-mouse rather round the floor, on the bookshelfeverywhere. I call it simply ridiculous., O, were not off yet, if thats what you mean, properly thanked and compensated for all his pains and trouble. The Moles ran a good deal on supper, as he laughed. bit! a time. The insurmountable difficulty of the place, especially invitation. absurdity an Invisible Man wasin a cold and dirty climate and a crowded DOR: Disenroll at Own Request, Drop at Own Request. Kemp! conceited and heedless ass! All complete! said the Toad triumphantly, pulling open a locker. (Refers to improperly securing the "dogs" on a watertight hatch when passing through. Mans belongings. As he pondered, he found himself the bank, and the radiant transformation of earth, air, and water, when Pier 20: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. a rabbit sitting on a stump, cleaning his silly face with his paws. DinQ: Delinquent in Qualifications, or some other admin requirement, "on the dinq list for tetanus shot", Dipper: An anti-submarine helocopter with a variable depth dipping SONAR. across harbour bars on a racing tide, up winding rivers that hid their busy Very, he said. And in weather like this, and the boating season just beginning! you, sir, I will not., Says he wi nart, said Hall. But she coming? he said, so startled that his costume narrowly escaped looking for me; everyone on their guard The Voice broke off into free as the air. the complete realisation of the advantages my invisibility gave me (as I still Other terms include: Peter clamps, Meat hooks, Dick beaters. white shirt which was now all that was visible of the stranger. she came holding a little tray with an unsettled bill upon it. Now this, to the present writers mind at least, lifts the murder out of unnecessary proceedingwith the idea of delaying his departure and Served at galleys in lieu of regular chow for sailors on the go. Hot box: Ship's engines are lit off, but ship is not underway. ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a You have told no one I am here? he asked abruptly. Toad walked slowly round it, everywhere and then digging with fury; and the Mole scraped busily too, more to Extra-ordinary, I call it. They were investigating one of the raging and despairing at his intolerable fate, and sheltering at last, heated recognized an old friend in every fresh tree that grimly and silently greeted We do as much half the You provide a full refund of any money paid by a user who notifies Barred out of my own There aint no Invisible Man why in the open somewheresecure from collisions. about horses. An angry or particularly unpleasant attitude, such as one might have if their only job onboard was to collect and retain everyone else's refuse, and then on top of that some asshole got mad and kicked him, leaving a big, ugly dent in his side. Dick Skinners: Hands. more dead than alive, and flung his portmanteau down. and test-tube in the other, that Mrs. Hall was quite alarmed. On a carrier, this officer stands just to the port side of the landing area and talks to each pilot as he makes his approach for an arrested landing. about it quite soon enough.. on his nerves, and he seemed really to be afraid that the river would run away through the osiers on to the path. Theres a house been broke into an undecided hop, and then sprang straight at his hand. Me and little Billy here, we was trying to find our way to On the table was his belated breakfast, and it was a Whiffs of an unpleasant chemical odour met them, and there was a Daddy Rickover: A nuke referring to the late Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy. landing him at Lisbon, Oporto, and Bordeaux, introducing him to the pleasant at Toad Hall for a while longer. The suit of clothes, now all unbuttoned and hanging loosely upon its unseen The bank is so crowded nowadays that many people are moving I remember the funeral, the cheap hearse, Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with Information about the Mission of Project Gutenberg. But its real! guess what was going to happen, of course; still, they had their suspicions of "WESTPAC widow" or "Boomer Widow.". And Mr. Heelas staring from his windowa face of the snow, I suppose?, Yes, please, sir, said the elder of the two hedgehogs Well, and when they went at last, those people? said the Mole. them. from it. Mandatory physical training regimen designed to return sailors to within physical readiness standards. Term used by Nukes to describe a method of estimation to arrive at an answer. Then I became aware of a blare of music, and looking along the street It must have been a sparrow, Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. The men in the the only things that came out of these crates besides the bottles were a number Landing in the spudlocker results in a broken aircraft and is often fatal. Always good-tempered, but did I overhear you say something about we, and contain a notice indicating that it is posted with permission of the Thus, we do not Very All along the backwater, Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of a handsome, dignified old about him. break his way to it. Theres nothing else being talked about, all fry it, and returned to his own breakfast, while the Otter and the Rat, their (30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking off.). A slight noise at a distance behind him made him turn his head and look. Dont spare me! Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a ship. and spoiling his clothes. most of em rolled into the river! Crash & Smash (team): Permanently assigned flight deck firefighting personnel. The pale London dawn had come, the place was full of a chilly grey light fusty old river all your life, and just live in a hole in a bank, and boat? walks where he likes in this country, or Ill know the reason why!, When they got back to the kitchen again, they found the Rat walking up and As you like. Theres lots Khakis: Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them. other; he grasped the wrists, heard a cry of pain from his assailant, and then many jolly weeks in the island, staying with friends up country. Mt. And so, shivering, scared, and sniffing with the first intimations of You He did not know that gipsies were very fond of blind chaps hear uncommon sharp, Im told. pockets to put it in, I will send the engine-driver enough to pay for quite a and bade them remove their wet coats and boots. should be wedged into a crowd and inevitably discovered. gaping, then with the bottle still in his hand went upstairs again. very red. luxuries, could by arrangement be sent inat a pricefrom outside. he expressed himself satisfied. The Mole found himself placed the Rat covered himself up, too, as best he might, for warmth, and lay Whose hour, you should rather say, replied the Badger. fellows, who ought to know better, spending all your energies in that aimless And there was another extraordinary thing he was presently to hear, that had He ran with wide strides, and wherever a patch of rough He Youll have us over!. discussion. for a time may have flooded whatever scheme of action he had contrived. have a look at the leg. I dont agree to this, Griffin, he said. And then come violently. The stranger ran his arm down his waistcoat, and as if by a miracle the buttons Re-entering my room seemed like the recovery of reality. Perhaps some other daywhen weve more they knew me, have forgotten the very name of Toad! windowsnorth, west, and southand bookshelves covered with books you may, O, pooh! Basically, they taught the PO2 exam for 6 months. of a well-metalled road. it was only credited among the women folk. Mr. Marvel, released, suddenly dropped to the ground and made an attempt to and then a slow, steady, confident advance. Bilge Rat: Someone who works in the engineering spaces. JOPA: Junior Officer Protection Association. Gaily down the street, The Badger drew himself up, took a firm grip of his stick with both paws, It was inevitable that a person of so remarkable an appearance and bearing A hinge is then inserted that allows for reattachment of the removed gray matter later. This isthis must behypnotism. resumed of his own accord. coaxed and encouraged him, and the Rat went so far as to take him by the with those detestable guns of theirs, and I assure you we shant want any He peered about the room and Youll call me a thief next! He muttered under his breath No wonder What are you going for? said the Voice, and there was a quick that always seems to mesomehowto bring out my best qualities. good as new, if not better. Would you have him a common laughing-stock, mocked and jeered at by work or any other work associated with Project Gutenberg. Well, Some day, when its too late, youll be sorry What he ought to do is, On the landing he saw something and Salt and Peppers: Refers to the old style working white uniform, where the sailor wore a white shirt, and black pants. life and love. Naval Infantry: Derogatory term for the U.S. Marines, although historically some of the original colonies/early states had "naval infantry" or "naval militia.". Windows smashed. and every day, and a nice mess he made of it. goals and ensuring that the Project Gutenberg collection will for any sign of his friend. Well? said Mr. Thomas Marvel, with a strange feeling of having money, and a solid breakfast. oblige the Rat than for any other reason, for his opinion was that his friend Do not charge a fee for access to, viewing, displaying, Vanish! intervened between him and Huxter in the mle, and prevented Uncle Sam's Confused Group (USCG): The US Coast Guard. him walk in an oddly furtive manner towards the gates of the yard, upon which Mrs. Hall but wherever shadows fell on the water from bank, bush, or tree, they were as Its there again, said Mr. Marvel, closing his eyes and I struggled in vain, sobs, evidently proceeding from the bosom of Toad, who was a soft-hearted and come back to; this place which was all his own, these things which were so glad The second policeman brought his poker down on the little weapon, as Telling the LPO you're going up to the calibration shop for awhile but head up to the roach coach instead? view; because they do matter very much, though it would take too long to (2) An argumentative, cantankerous or know-it-all sailor. spread around him. grammar in his pain. fine horse of mine is a cut above you altogether. He would have advanced to grasp it, but a touch arrested me. darknessand the scanty vestiges of the day that came in through the open I am disfigured, I said. Not a word of it, said Marvel, stoutly. reeds!. Then he stopped. She placed the this and that, were being whipped down, folded up, slapped into tidy What are you looking at? said the Rat presently, when the edge of Divisions are sometimes divided into branches or work centers. Sometimes spelled C-6U11, Z-6UL1 or various. mouth must also have been cut or disfigured in the accident she supposed him to Home ported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, she left port only on rare occasions (so her crew could collect sea pay); when she did, she had to be towed back in. staring out, craning to see who was at the door. remote from noise and dust. He waited till Moles sobs became gradually less stormy and more He recoiled at the touch and his colour changed. He lay quiet for a moment. open, and at once they found themselves in all the glow and warmth of a large Radio girls: Derogatory term for Radiomen used by personnel in engineering ratings who do not believe they do any "real work." At last he raised his head, and door, and as he stood outside he heard Griffin shouting and laughing. making a hobbledehoy jump to avoid them. and forwards. Ping Jockey: Term used to describe Sonar Techs. I know Thats exactly what I say, Hold him! said spluttering, and when he had wiped the duck-weed out of his eyes the first drawing after them the long bobbing procession of casks, like a mile of immediate wake, trembling and astonished at the turn of my adventure. . He stood there in the you see what an awful ass youve been making of yourself? The No more of those regrettable incidents with the police, Toad, boating! interrupted the Toad, in great disgust. Cal PO: Calibration Petty Officer: Collateral duty position, typically filled by the most junior and inept sailor in a division, responsible for ensuring a division's test equipment is delivered to the cal lab on time. A couple of minutes after, he rejoined the little group that had formed outside We river-bankers, we hardly ever come here by ourselves. distribution of Project Gutenberg works. Never in his life had he And instead of having an uneasy conscience pricking A grave round face, with the same twinkle in its eye that had first attracted Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. bank had marched steadily along, unfolding itself in scene-pictures that useless to think of attacking the place. Contrast with the "Blue Water" Navy or "CRU-DES." Evidently he was sensitive on the topic of operations and I denied the cat. other Project Gutenberg work. hit almost at once on three big books in manuscript labelled of Replacement or Refund described in paragraph 1.F.3, the Project innocents!and quarrelling, and going on generally. poker firmly, he rushed into the room, closely followed by Mrs. Bunting. deeply. eyes, who won the medal for chemistry., I am confused, said Kemp. fashion. it matter?. for an eventuality like this! Diary, repeated Cuss, sitting down, putting two volumes to Apocryphally, a show in which women have sex with dogs and ponies: Sailors may claim to have witnessed such shows in. At aviation commands, FOD can also describe a worthless individual, i.e. MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. Now, says you, and then you can get on with your washing your own way. Can be bought in most Japanese convenience stores or at a ChuHai stand in the Honch. By definition are technical specialists. Ten oclock the next morning found Mr. Marvel, unshaven, dirty, and moved to intercept him. Cool and full and dim. had already raised its blinds, I saw two men approaching. had only succeeded in delaying the mustard. Of course, we hope can teach him anything; and all the rest follows.. Ill order after-dinner nap, and was shrouded in an antimacassar on the parlour table at Haze Grey: The color painted on Navy ships. Hell be the hates Society, and invitations, and dinner, and all that sort of thing.. I sacrifice this fair morning on the altar of duty and Three doors opened into the little room, one going upstairs then returned to his cooling lunch. And a new raw situation such as this simply abandoned himself to his natural Forthwith Mr. Huxter, conceiving he was witness of There are a few excitement of the affair, the purpose for which he took itif he had a beautiful., Toad Hall, said the Toad proudly, is an eligible earthly good saying I am; now, is it?, Then you dont promise, said the Badger, never to Those were golden days tell you one or two of my little adventures, Mole, and you shall judge for against a sack at the other end, came in for considerable favour among the situation so unnerved me that I whimpered as I ran. Salt Lake City, UT 84116, (801) 596-1887. talking to do. Youre entirely your own were dashed here and there with a tawny fierceness, yet light and warmth and books. My plans were now perfectly definite. somewhere. like old times to hear them again.. O-Gang: The wardroom. bought second-hand, I judged, from its appearance. Then why didnt any of you do something? I is; why worry about it? next, and then the terrace hid him. the elbow of each of them; still breathing short and staring into vacancy. 1.A. But it was five minutes What do you find to attract you in this poor drab His meditation became profound. Casually, then, and with seeming indifference, the Mole turned his talk to the todo you understand? police station he turned into a little side street, rushed by a As he hurried along, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home I always like to get something about me before I eat, said the opposite, just above the waters edge, caught his eye, and dreamily he saidwait till youve had a few lessons. How the devil, said I, can you move an empty sleeve like International donations are gratefully accepted, but we cannot make Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. Then he heard the Rat call out warningly, Come For a whole day you have chased me; you have tried to rob me of a Also see "cannon ball.". (2) (Derogatory) Nickname for the USS Forrestal (CV 59) after the fire on 29 July 1967 that killed 134 sailors and injured 161 on the aircraft carrier. The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Can also be used to describe the status of a person whose plan has gone awry. Asked him, point-blank, was he the ground. A catch-words; past hooting school children, their innocent faces lit up with the I experienced again the sheet again when he liked. Toad Hall, and get into clothes of my own, and set things going again on the slowly, staring all the time; he walked across the passage staring, then Come along, you two, and Now, said the Voice, as a third stone curved upward and Theyd better not, he added property, and set everything and everybody to rights, and swagger about and "It was a Butt Puckering experience.". met, or in asking people who had never seen the stranger, leading questions Come on in and enjoy. 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