In the Bible, love is described as personal (between persons) and selfless (desiring the best for . Baptism is an act in which a Christian is immersed in water to symbolize the end of an old way of living, and a new start. In each section of the Bible, we see God's holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious and loving character. The Bible first mentions Christian baptism in its accounts of John the Baptist. Did the Bible copy other religious myths, legends, and traditions? God wants us to " hate evil" ( Proverbs 8:13 ), especially the evil we come to recognize in ourselves. There are many examples in the Bible of the great effort made by people of God to obtain truth. However, despite it's worldwide popularity and availability, many Christians fail to grasp the true relevance and importance of bible. This makes sense for the Gospels because the story of Jesus' earthly ministry and mission is the most important event in the history of the world. Certainly, the method of punishment has changed under grace, but the passage proves the importance of obedience. It's an allegory, a story, poem, or picture interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. These are quite the opposite of God's desire for our lives, which includes knowing His Word . 2. Illustration: Here are some things that have been said about the Bible over the years: a. Those who obey Christ's commandments live in God, and God lives in them. It shares how humans are capable of great things, but also terrible things. Youth, like myself and the women and men of the Bible, are seeking God in one way or another. The Bible remains the only source of divine revelation and power that can sustain you as a Christian in your walk with God. 1. In life's challenges to our faith, in which God is involved with us, some purpose is being worked out. The contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that their authors were a group of priests and laymen pursuing a communal life of strict dedication to God. It shows us how much the Creator cares for his wayward creation and what he has done to rescue it. 2) It speaks of and shows the way of life from its beginning to its end. Having been translated into thousands of different languages, and with millions of copies sold every single year, everyone has at least heard of what Guinness World Records has declared the best-selling book of all time - The Bible.. The shedding of innocent blood is the remedy for sin. Here are ten reasons why the Bible is important: The Bible points us to God. True repentance is more than just acknowledging we are wrong. Seven as a holy number. The land also supported the herding of sheep and goats. According to Luke, the Beloved Physician, the burial of Jesus Christ happened on a Friday evening. They were afloat on a life raft and after several days had given up any hope of rescue. The main reason it is important to study the Bible in context is in order to obtain a correct understanding of the passage. Mount Moriah is the location of the Jewish temple mount as well as the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa mosque. The genealogies were important in maintaining the theocratic regime of the nation of Israel through which Christ would descend. We chew our food in the mouth to help break it down. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. The knowledge and wisdom of God come from the Spirit of God and the holy Scriptures. Exegesis definition: Exegesis is "the process of careful analytical study of the Bible to produce useful interpretations of those passages." 1 ( The word "exegesis" comes from the Greek term ἐξηγέομαι ( exegeomai ), which means "to explain" or "to narrate" or "to show the way") The process of exegesis involves . The biggest problem with this view: the verse has been stripped of its context to promote the idea that the Bible is sexist. As a widow in ancient Israel, Rizpah has very little power. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. This verse clearly teaches that there is a spiritual and physical consequence to honoring or dishonoring our mother or father. It brings order to your life and shows you what is right and good. 2 Important Things the Bible Says about Women 1. Food on the table is the blessing of God. The entry of sin into the world is through one man ( Rom. The Bible is the source of: Truth: "Sanctify them by Your truth; Your word is truth" ( John 17:17 ). John Wesley called the early Methodists to "search the Scriptures.". The Bible is not detached philosophy. Various Bible scholars have worked out mathematical formulae, which engage the number three — three times something was said or done; arithmetic related to various . His brother Jacob is so named because Jacob means 'he grasps the heel . If three stands for completeness, then 27, or three cubed, is even more so. She is the daughter of Aiah, a descendant of one of Esau's wives ( 1 . The Scriptures say, 'People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." We learn there needed to be a sacrifice to be made right with God. "The word of God is alive and active. The Bible is God's written revelation of Himself to humanity. The purpose of the Bible - What is it? The greatest joy you will receive thanks to reading the Bible is that it leads you to the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, one said to the other, "Do you think it would do any good to pray?" The other agreed that nothing could be lost by trying. (see . God . Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. 1. Reading the Bible on a regular and consistent basis has several benefits. The Bible is so important to Christians because they believe that it transmits God's ideas to human beings. 1. 2) It speaks of and shows the way of life from its beginning to its end. Consequently, the acids in the stomach are able to further break down the food. The bible teaches you the truth and demonstrates any lack in your life and faith. One of the Bible's purposes, then, is to provide all-important spiritual sustenance and help us defeat temptation. Dr. Wilbur Smith, in commenting on the Bible as the "living word" in the Biblical Expositor gives a number of reasons that are helpful in describing the purpose of the Bible. 1. Let Jesus Christ be your motivation and start today, it will change your life! If any one preaches racial supremacy they are not a Christian but a liar. Let's take this to heart and consider it a truth to cherish. The Bible connects us with our past and points us to our future. The importance of family is emphasized in each generation mentioned throughout the Bible. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Exodus 21:12. This was later summarized as "a life for a life". Your life would be brighter than noonday; Darkness would be like the morning. The word " Pentecost " (from the Greek word pentēkostē, meaning "fiftieth") 4 comes from the Greek name for a harvest festival that is also known as the "Feast of Weeks.". So it was easy to describe God's care as his shepherding ( Ps. 23 ), and Jesus as "the good shepherd.". Bible history shows people are basically the same as always. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.". Dt. They responded by going to work . Rizpah is a widow, a former concubine of King Saul, the deceased king at the time of these biblical events. However it works, it's an important lesson - even seemingly unimportant details can teach us something. This unique feast occurred 7 weeks after Passover (49 days), culminating with the actual feast on day 50 (hence, the New Testament term "Pentecost"). As a youth minister, I think it is important to teach youth the Bible because the Bible gives them a basis for critically considering their faith in order to increase depth and personal ownership. God remained in control. Though God's method of punishment has changed, His requirement for obedience has remained forever constant. Ecclesiastes 3:11. Essentially, a parable is a simple subject or concept used to illustrate something with a deeper meaning. Joseph made a private and personal request of Pilate for the corpse of Jesus Christ ( Luke 23:52 ). Numbers are also used with a symbolical or theological significance. I believe that the two biggest problems with the Church in America today are: 1) We don't pray enough, and 2) We don't read the Bible enough. YouTube. The importance of the Bible is that it is a life-giving book. Rain is the grace of God. The Bible informs our practices, directs our actions, and guides our life. 1. Genealogy in the Bible is very important. Without this book the Western world and a good deal of the Eastern world would be completely different today than if the events of this book had never occurred. Bible prophecy is God's revelation to us about future events. The geography of the Bible is practical, sure, but it's also full of symbolic value, where rocks, trees and points of the compass have layers of meaning, informed by language and history and divine revelation. The Bible keeps us anchored in ageless truth. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Galatians 5:22. 1. The scriptures make us aware of our sinful condition, especially when you view yourself through the lens of God's word. Someone once said: A Bible in the hand is worth two in the bookcase. 1. The Bible is the single most important book ever written. So God created man in his own image . Job Questioned God. Moses was also on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, on two separate occasions (Exodus 24:18 . Bible study illuminates our daily reading. In order for food to be properly assimilated into the body it should be digested properly. He shared the favor the king gave and how God's hand had been with him and that motivated the people. This Roman leader consented to his request and Joseph was happy. She cannot stop David from taking her sons and using them as a sacrifice to appease the Gibeonites. Teaching the Bible allows one youth to see the love of . How is the Bible inspired? The Word of God is alive and powerful, "sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. - is the Word of God? 1)The Bible is "living" because: It is the word of God Who is living and abides forever. I believe that the two biggest problems with the Church in America today are: 1) We don't pray enough, and 2) We don't read the Bible enough. The human race stems from one ( Acts 17:26 ). It starts with the opening verse of scripture. The Old Testament town of Bethel (formerly named Luz) was one of the first places in the Bible where the Hebrew people met with God. The most famous of these encounters was Jacob's dream of a stairway to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it, and the Lord standing above it ( Genesis 28:10-22 ). Unlike fables, stories that are made up and use animals to teach lessons, a parable is a story that Jesus used to exemplify heavenly truths here on earth. Another important purpose of the Bible is not just to reveal who God is, but to reveal who we are. God created us as whole people, our minds, bodies, and spirits woven together to form who we are. This is why salt symbolizes a long-lasting friendship and relationship between people. Matthew 4:4 "But Jesus told him, "No! The Bible can help us see ourselves in perspective and cut through the distractions of pop culture that would lead us away from God. First, the Bible shows us God's character and provides us God's revelation of himself to his people. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Misunderstanding a portion of the Bible can lead to misapplying it in our lives as well as teaching something wrong to others. It is also a symbol of God's everlasting love for us! The era of the kings stretches from the reign of Saul, a thousand years before Christ, to the destruction of Judah and the exile of the last king in 586 B.C. It's best that we look back at the roles women had in the Bible and how God's calling is equally important for men and women. Like King David of old, we should ask God to create a clean heart and . The Bible is important. In Genesis 9:6 He first instituted capital punishment saying, "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed.". This is a real God engaging with real people across a timeline that goes for thousands of years in a specific part of the world. Interestingly, prophecy can also be a history lesson as we see the . Their leader was called the 'Righteous Teacher.'. A believer must give the highest priority in his life to learning Bible facts and principles. The Articles of Religion of the United Methodist Church state that the Holy Scripture contains "all things necessary" and "sufficient" unto salvation. What is the Bible? Not only does God acknowledge the importance of honoring our mothers . How do we know the Bible is not just a fairy tale? One of the best examples of this is in 2 Kings 22 in the life of King Josiah. Yet, so often our practices of faith neglect our mental and emotional wellbeing. 5 Things the Bible Reveals 1. Who God Is One of the main purposes of the Bible is to reveal who God is. Even the desire to do wrong should become repulsive to us. It shows you how you can be saved, namely through faith in Jesus Christ through whom you . During Moses' life, he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery. The Bible is the foundation of our faith. As . This is the number of books in the New Testament. One of the ways we know that the truth of the Bible is rooted in reality is that the story of the Bible—the drama of God's interaction with humanity—unfolds in a real place. 2. Significant numbers. Women are loved. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. In addition, Exodus 21:12 does not say honor your mother only on a designated day, but we are to give honor to our mothers everyday. 2. We must seek peace and make peace. Dr. Wilbur Smith, in commenting on the Bible as the "living word" in the Biblical Expositor gives a number of reasons that are helpful in describing the purpose of the Bible. Love is a transitive reality—that is, it requires an object. Introduction. Last Words on the Significance of the Number Three. As shown in the Psalms, which follow after the Book of Job, prayer is shown to be communication with God that is deep, intimate, and honest. In both Islam and Judaism, salt seals a bargain instead of just giving your word because of how immutable the quality of salt is. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" ( Genesis 1:1 ). (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Bible study works together with our daily time in Scripture. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all . In fact, taken in context, the passage depicts the perfect relationship . It describes the method by which God's Law punished a disobedient child following repeated attempts made to correct him. Mount Moriah is located in the old part of Jerusalem and is considered one of the most important pieces of property on the planet. God is its author. When Jesus rode into town, greeted by the crowds, this was no . The Bible Enables a Saving Faith in Jesus Christ Central to the Bible is the Gospel message. Job 11:14-15,17 NASB. 1 The Bible is our Model or Standard If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, And do not let wickedness dwell in your tents; Then, indeed, you could lift up your face without moral defect, And you would be steadfast and not fear. The presence of four distinct accounts of Jesus' life emphasizes His importance. First came the temporary remedy, an innocent animal, and then the permanent one when the Lord's own . It matters that we believe it. One of the most important things about the Bible is that it tells the story of the Creator and his creation. We must earnestly want God to change our hearts. John 3:16 assures that God "so loved" the world. 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